Sunday, September 12, 2021

Kuldhara Haunted Village


Kuldhara Haunted Village Did you know that Kuldhara is one of the most haunted village in India? The deserted, narrow and ancient streets of Kuldhara are the source of myths, spooky folklore ,and stories of ghosts and paranormal activity.

17 kilometers from Jaisalmer, nestles a town called Kuldhara, which was once prosperous but now, it lies in ruins and all that is left are various open houses in the state of despair. At first sight, this curse ghost town, Kuldhara, gets the thinking caps on and immediately increases people’s faith in metaphysical and the paranormal activities.

Kuldhara Haunted Village

The story goes like this, Once this village was home to around 1,500 Paliwal Brahmins, which has lived in this community for more than five centuries peacefully and comfortable. But one night, the entire population, including 85 villages, vanished overnight in the dark and left it with a curse that still haunts it. And nobody knows where they left. For centuries, people have been thinking about what might be the reason that the people fled overnight.

Kuldhara Haunted Village
Rumors say that Salim Singh, the evil prime minister, who was known for his sinister practice of collecting the tax, set his eyes on a girl of Paliwal Brahmins and decided to marry without her consent. Salim Singh threatened the village that if the marriage doesn’t happen, villagers will face the worse consequences. Instead of giving approval, the villagers asked for some time and then left their houses overnight. But before living, they cursed the village that nobody can inhabit the villages ever. Some stories even say that heavy taxes were levied on Paliwal community and as a result, they had no option, but to vacate and just disappear from the reach of the ruler. Even after so many years of this accident, the village remains true to the curse as residents of Jaisalmer tried to stay here but they didn’t succeed.

Kuldhara Haunted Village

Many strange and unnatural activities that keep on happening at this place has gathered eyeballs of many ghost hunters and intrepid paranormal societies. People from different part of the world visit Kuldhara to see the dark and spooky side of the Rajasthan and unveil mysterious secrets, which in just one night made this place godforsaken for rest of the years.

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